
Please enjoy the wacky world my pencils and paints create for you. As an illustrator I try to bring you a world in which you have not read before or have seen in movies yet. My minds eye comes from behind the curtain in that chocolate factory that Willie Wonka didn't let you peer behind. Now I am opening it for you! Come in and take a look...

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Early Musician

Can You Play Jethro Tull...

No. My flute style is influenced by Native American flute, John Cage, and the Japanese styles of Noh and Shakuhachi.  I have been playing for 24 years. I started when I was admiring a collection of Herman Hesse books and moved a flute off the shelf. My friend gave me that flute and her Herman Hesse collection.

I started out when I was tiny with the guitar, but I think somehow my parents made it disappear. The drums my uncle gave me vanished even quicker...

My parents did buy me a Casio PT80, I only learned Greensleeves (which sneeks out on the flute at times). Though the only one that stuck was the flute. Well the piano snuck in last year.


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