
Please enjoy the wacky world my pencils and paints create for you. As an illustrator I try to bring you a world in which you have not read before or have seen in movies yet. My minds eye comes from behind the curtain in that chocolate factory that Willie Wonka didn't let you peer behind. Now I am opening it for you! Come in and take a look...

Monday, December 1, 2014

"Yes Santa", Watch this Christmas story be created!

I'm working on a story written by my father Gerald "Jerry" Dowgin. He wrote a story about an 8 year old girl who is on the verge of growing up before her time when some girls at school told her Santa does not exist. It ponders the question of the importance of imaginary beings like the tooth Fairy, Santa, and the Easter Bunny. If children are not taught the importance of imaginary concepts at a young age, how will they ever hold dear other intangible things such as hope, Love, faith, justice, mercy, and equality? Now are these imaginary beings any less potent than the atom? Neither of which Man has ever seen, but we all have seen how powerful the atom is. Are the others any less real?

Follow along with this serial and what the sketches take shape into illustrations.. Check back often!

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